For over 40 years, E. D. Hovee & Company, LLC has provided economic and development consulting services meeting distinct needs of private, non-profit and public agency clients.
Whatever the assignment,
my objective is to provide thorough analysis and thoughtful presentation - getting it right for you.
Whether as part of a multi-disciplinary team or as a sole practitioner on your behalf, I focus on those pieces of the puzzle where I can add the most value.
Before opening a consulting practice in 1984, I served as Economic Development Manager for the City of Vancouver WA and previously in a similar capacity for the City of Portland OR.
Educated at the University of Pennsylvania in economics and urban studies, I also have served as an instructor and speaker for the National Main Street Center, U.S. Conference of Mayors, and for statewide planning and development organizations across much of North America. At home, I have been involved in public-private boards for neighborhood advocacy, affordable housing, workforce training, and economic development.
Married, with five daughters and 12 grand-children, I am fortunate to have live and worked in the eastern, mid and western states of the U.S. Outside interests include the historical-theological record of early Christianity and antiquities of the Levant.
While respecting tried and true mainstream orthodoxies, I also look for the road less traveled. And that can make all the difference.
For a robust sampling of my work, check out a diverse sampling of representative project assignments by clicking on: Portfolio
Since 2016, I also have periodically posted on topics of interest — ranging from post-recession winners and losers to today’s hot topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI). A complete listing of blog postings dating to 2016 can be found at: Blog Post Listing.